The PeePee House
Don’t you dare asking about this name! Just don’t! Another house by the road, close to at least two others. Damaged, wide open, with garage…
Don’t you dare asking about this name! Just don’t! Another house by the road, close to at least two others. Damaged, wide open, with garage…
This place should be advertised as “Urbex B&B”. Nice, cosy bed, close to the main road, place to park and at least two other houses…
Hidden in the bushes, somewhere at the side of the road. Very dark, damaged by the time, but still caring some history.
In the middle of quite busy road in Ireland, Co. Louth. Abandoned for over a decade, but in perfect condition. Could be liveable in a…
It is County Meath. On this stage I have no information about how this place was created and why those beautiful cars were left there…
Currently lying in ruins, beautiful, historical building and surroundings. Built in 1842 by Robert Walker Greer as elegant mansion situated on 14 acres. Acquired in…
Plunkett’s place It looks like history of that place started back in XVI century. Currently there are only ruins. This house had to look beautiful…
History of this place started back in 1850s when family of C. arrived to that farm. As first, typical for that time, it was sheep…
We went to the most Hounted House of Co.Antrim once again. This time it was dry, so we could explore more places there. W found…
That is our second visit to abandoned borstal in Northern Ireland. We’ve been there few months ago. There is more water damage now. Sad to…